Sometimes you have to make several cards before you figure out which one you want to make for a swap. Some are too much to replicate for the number you need for a swap, some may use an embellishment or something that you don't have enough of, and some just don't turn out the way you thought they would. But it 's still fun seeing all the different ways you can use things!
I used the Doggone Friendly stamp (I'm SO excited it carried over to the new Annual Catalog!) for two swaps recently. You can read about them HERE and HERE. Here are some cards I also made, but didn't swap.
I love black and white with a pop of color! For this card, I used lots of color since they were so small.
Another black and white, this time with the 2022-2024 In Colors.
You can see how these led to the cards I did swap!
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